Monster Media 1996 #14
Monster Media No. 14 (April 1996) (Monster Media, Inc.).ISO
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File List
185 lines
H:\MODEM\0204T2B1.ZIP 0204T2B1.ZIP 'SYSOP' TERMINATOR 2 v2.04b. Yerminal program with
!>multiple taskwindows. Internet/ISDN speeds
!>up to 115,200 bps while using integral
!>QWK'em mail reader, File or FTP Navigators,
!>Tetris game and comprehensive Fax Manager.
H:\MODEM\0204T2B2.ZIP 0204T2B2.ZIP 'SYSOP' TERMINATOR 2 v2.04b. 2/4.
H:\MODEM\0204T2B3.ZIP 0204T2B3.ZIP 'SYSOP' TERMINATOR 2 v2.04b. 3/4.
H:\MODEM\0204T2B4.ZIP 0204T2B4.ZIP 'SYSOP' TERMINATOR 2 v2.04b. 4/4.
H:\MODEM\0204T2B6.ZIP 0204T2B6.ZIP 'SYSOP' TERMINATOR 2 v2.04b - Optimized 286 EXE file.
H:\MODEM\95RPI115.ZIP 95RPI115.ZIP 'SYSOP' Win95 driver for RPI Chipset modems.
H:\MODEM\BABYB23C.ZIP BABYB23C.ZIP 'SYSOP' Baby Banana v2.3c. Sysops and ISP's can now
!>create their own BananaCom Custom - the
!>award winning software designed to boost
!>modem service usership! Works with DOS,
!>Windows and Windows 95.
H:\MODEM\BABYJ23C.ZIP BABYJ23C.ZIP 'SYSOP' Baby Banana v2.3c. JPeg support.
H:\MODEM\BBS225.ZIP BBS225.ZIP 'SYSOP' BBS Access v2.25. Easy-to-use data
!>communications program for calling BBSs and
!>uploading & downloading files. The protocols
!>included are ASCII, Kermit, Xmodem, Ymodem,
!>Zmodem, Xmodem/1K, Xmodem/G, Ymodem/G.
H:\MODEM\BCOM23B.ZIP BCOM23B.ZIP 'SYSOP' BananaCom 2.3b. Simple com software.
!>Excellent for the first time modem user and
!>perfect for people who help people use
!>modems. Provides auto ZModem, auto
!>ANSI/VT100 terminal emulation, dialing
!>directory stored as a text file, more.
H:\MODEM\BGFAX155.ZIP BGFAX155.ZIP 'SYSOP' BGFax v1.55 for DOS and OS/2. Sysops can
!>receive Fax and Data calls. Works with most
!>fax modems, BBS software, and FidoNet
!>mailers. Can also send faxes from the
!>command line, and return results via
H:\MODEM\CCTR10SH.ZIP CCTR10SH.ZIP 'SYSOP' Comm Center v1.0 for Windows. The Ultimate
!>telephone dialer includes 50 autodial
!>memories (with 10 quickdial memories),
!>instant memory access and storage, ring
!>detection, data answer and more.
H:\MODEM\CDJNCW11.ZIP CDJNCW11.ZIP 'SYSOP' CID JNCW v1.1 for Windows. Logs and displays
!>calls received using CallerID and a modem
!>with CallerID capabilities.
H:\MODEM\CISRATER.ZIP CISRATER.ZIP 'SYSOP' CISRater v5.6 for Windows. Logs CIS charges
!>for WinCim v1.2 - 1.4, including CD and
!>Ziffnet versions. It also provides three
!>options to start WinCim, with the ability to
!>set different session settings before WinCim
H:\MODEM\COM41.ZIP COM41.ZIP 'SYSOP' Com v4.1 for Windows. Telecom program.
!>Powerful serial comm program features
!>scripting, macros, all file transfer
!>protocols, including Compuserve B.
H:\MODEM\COMITMDM.ZIP COMITMDM.ZIP 'SYSOP' Comit Modem config file for the
!>Communications Program `Comit'.
H:\MODEM\CSW213.ZIP CSW213.ZIP 'SYSOP' CompuSlave v2.13 for Windows. Imports
!>CompuServe forum messages from a capture
!>file into a database. Search the entire
!>database for keywords.
H:\MODEM\CTSSPU34.ZIP CTSSPU34.ZIP 'SYSOP' CTS Serial Port Utilities v3.4. Collection
!>of comport setup/control utils; detect
!>failed UARTs, more than 1 port at the same
!>address, PCs which can't use Com4,
!>shared/conflicting IRQ assignments, comports
!>which can't generate IRQs and more.
H:\MODEM\FAXHVN21.ZIP FAXHVN21.ZIP 'SYSOP' 1-Step FaxHaven v2.1. Includes 1-Step High
!>Quality Fax v4.1 (for sending Faxes) plus
!>all of the Fax receive processing functions:
!>receive, view, print, purge, archive convert
!>to several other graphic formats.
H:\MODEM\FAX_V503.ZIP FAX_V503.ZIP 'SYSOP' FaxMail v5.03 for Windows. Complete faxing
!>program allows printing from any program
!>that can print. Makes creating high quality
!>faxes as easy as printing. Includes a
!>fax/modem tester.
H:\MODEM\FDV34FAX.ZIP FDV34FAX.ZIP 'SYSOP' How to configure the USRobotics V.Everything
!>modem using Frontdoor 2.20c.ml or 2.12/Sw
!>and BGFax. Also includes setup info for the
!>newest Flash-Rom upgrade for using CID.
H:\MODEM\FONEW340.ZIP FONEW340.ZIP 'SYSOP' Phone Dialer and Logger v3.4 for Windows.
!>Has a 'No Modem' mode. Extremely easy to
!>use. Tone or pulse dialing. Speed dialer,
!>log incoming calls. 4 addr books, 6 phone
!>#'s and 4 BBS ID's per entry. Dials special
!>Tone-Dial services.
H:\MODEM\FTP_USR.ZIP FTP_USR.ZIP 'SYSOP' Complete listing of all files available on
!>the USRobotics FTP site.
H:\MODEM\FWRD_APR.ZIP FWRD_APR.ZIP 'SYSOP' Fowardfax v9.5beta. Add on Utility for
!>BGFax. You can now have your computer tell
!>BGFax to forward your fax's to you while
!>your not around. Send only the fax's you
!>want forwarded. Can even have them held
!>until a preset time.
H:\MODEM\GBBS9602.ZIP GBBS9602.ZIP 'SYSOP' BBSList: New Green BBS List! The
!>International Environmental BBS Listing
!>sponsored by GreenNet from The Earth Art BBS!
H:\MODEM\HQFAX41.ZIP HQFAX41.ZIP 'SYSOP' One-Step High Quality FAX v4.1. Provides
!>many, many value adding features for your
!>Fax modem. Works with virtually all Fax
!>modems. Produce and send Fax-ready files in
!>a single step. Produce DCX, PCX, and TIFF
H:\MODEM\HYPERECT.ZIP HYPERECT.ZIP 'SYSOP' Hyperectangles for Terminate 3.0.
!>telecommunications program! Built-in Zmodem!
!>Access 15,000 GIFs/JPGs! Works much better
!>than Windows Terminal!
H:\MODEM\MLITE10.ZIP MLITE10.ZIP 'SYSOP' Momemsta Lite v1.0 for Windows. Minimal
!>modem status indicator.
H:\MODEM\MOBY95EN.ZIP MOBY95EN.ZIP 'SYSOP' Mobymail v4.01 for Win 95. Demo of a Mapi
!>Transport provider for sending and
!>retrieving messages to cellular phones and
!>pagers using European Service Providers. Can
!>be used with MS Exchange and other Mapi
!>compliant software.
H:\MODEM\MODEM503.ZIP MODEM503.ZIP 'SYSOP' Faxmodem Wizard v5.03 for Windows. Fine tune
!>your modem and resolve Com-Irq problems.
H:\MODEM\ONEFOS08.ZIP ONEFOS08.ZIP 'SYSOP' OneFossil Revision 8. Versatile single port
!>high speed Fossil 5 compatible
!>communications driver for DOS based software
!>under DESQview or Windows multitasking
!>systems. Supports multiple ports and shared
H:\MODEM\PACC108.ZIP PACC108.ZIP 'SYSOP' PowerAccess v1.08 for Windows. FREE terminal
!>offering amazing MULTIMEDIA experience
!>online for PowerBBS BBS systems, as well as
!>full ANSI access to other BBS'! Use buttons
!>and icons, preview full color images, listen
!>to WAVs & MIDIs.
H:\MODEM\PWRITE20.ZIP PWRITE20.ZIP 'SYSOP' Page Write! V2.0 - A windows program which
!>allows you to send text messages to an
!>alphanumeric pager. Store up to 100 pager
!>numbers. Group Paging. Page Logging.
!>Predefined messages.
H:\MODEM\PWRTOOLS.ZIP PWRTOOLS.ZIP 'SYSOP' Power Tools v1.9 for Windows America OnLine.
!>Very useful.
H:\MODEM\QFAXV103.ZIP QFAXV103.ZIP 'SYSOP' QuickStar Fax Pro v1.03. Small DOS program
!>that sends plain text fax very fast and very
!>easy using Class 1/2 fax/modem on PCs. Can
!>be called by other programs to fax out
!>multiple files to multiple numbers.
H:\MODEM\QFMODEM.ZIP QFMODEM.ZIP 'SYSOP' QFModem v1.0. Automatically detects modems
!>present in a PC. It will also find out the
!>fax capability of the modem.
H:\MODEM\RDIAL21.ZIP RDIAL21.ZIP 'SYSOP' RoboDial v2.1 for Windows. Easy-to-use file
!>transfer/Fax utility. Features include
!>automatic modem configuration, automatic fax
!>and file transfer at preset times and more.
H:\MODEM\ROVER2.ZIP ROVER2.ZIP 'SYSOP' Rover v2.0 for Windows. Automatically
!>retrieves your WinCim e-mail. You can select
!>daily, weekly, or bi-weekly frequency.
H:\MODEM\SP.ZIP SP.ZIP 'SYSOP' SmartPhone v1.40. Cross-references area, zip
!>and country codes, time zones, and
!>geographic info. 20,000 towns listed. Why
!>waste $$$ dialing a wrong number? Look up a
!>town, state, province or mail code.
H:\MODEM\TM421_1.ZIP TM421_1.ZIP 'SYSOP' Telemate v4.21. Powerful, easy-to-use comm
!>program w/built-in multitasking, editor,
!>viewer, Zmodem, VT100/52 emulation,
!>cut/paste text among windows, easy-to-learn
!>script language, and more. 1/4.
H:\MODEM\TM421_2.ZIP TM421_2.ZIP 'SYSOP' Telemate v4.21. 2/4.
H:\MODEM\TM421_3.ZIP TM421_3.ZIP 'SYSOP' Telemate v4.21. 3/4.
H:\MODEM\TM421_4.ZIP TM421_4.ZIP 'SYSOP' Telemate v4.21. 4/4.
H:\MODEM\TRKDEMO.ZIP TRKDEMO.ZIP 'SYSOP' Trakker v2.2 for Windows. Off-line
!>Compuserve navigation package provides many
!>money-saving options for downloading files,
!>including powerful search fields, a
!>user-defined database of Compuserve's 1000+
!>forums, duplicate checking and more.
H:\MODEM\T_CST_03.ZIP T_CST_03.ZIP 'SYSOP' Terminate utility. Terminate cost file for
!>the Netherlands.
H:\MODEM\T_FAQ23.ZIP T_FAQ23.ZIP 'SYSOP' Terminate FAQ v2.3. Frequently Asked
H:\MODEM\T_NSTAT.ZIP T_NSTAT.ZIP 'SYSOP' Terminate utility. The Complete Fidonet
!>Nodelist Statistic Generator. Generates zone
!>summary and total summary and percentages of
!>all zones, regions and nets. Includes sample
!>nodestat.txt for details.
H:\MODEM\UART13.ZIP UART13.ZIP 'SYSOP' Uart v1.3. Tests for correct COM port
!>configuration and identifies UART type.
H:\MODEM\WINFAX7P.ZIP WINFAX7P.ZIP 'SYSOP' Delrina Winfax Pro v7.0 performance tips.
H:\MODEM\WNFOS109.ZIP WNFOS109.ZIP 'SYSOP' WinFossil v1.09 for Win 95. Fossil driver
!>dramatically improves transfer speeds for
!>Fossil-aware software.